Fixing Your Split Ends marchelle salone

Fixing Your Split Ends

Each type of hair length and texture is affected by split ends. If you want to get rid of them, getting a haircut at the salon is the most effective. As a preventative measure, the following methods can hinder split ends from occurring after your salon visit. Continue reading below to discover these remedies!


Comb Your Conditioned Hair in the Shower

It’s effortless for hair to break when it’s wet. After applying conditioner, comb out any knots with a wide-toothed comb as you’re in the shower. By doing so, the product can be applied more evenly, which prevents breakage.


Always Detangle Your Ends First

When it comes to the actual comb technique, don’t start to comb from root to tip. Although this is something we do from time to time, it’s vital to concentrate on the knotted areas first. When you try to work through knots, your ends usually take the brunt of the damage. Try beginning at the very bottom of your hair and working on tangles there, then continue as you move up, and finally pull the comb from root to tip in one stroke.


Use Care & Caution When Blow-Drying

Although you should avoid using hot tools regularly, you don’t have to stop using them altogether. Make sure to incorporate a heat protector spray into your routine. Utilize your nozzle attachment, which comes with your hairdryer, to help control the airflow. If you don’t have one, it’s always a good idea to purchase one! You’ll want to avoid positioning the nozzle too close to your roots or ends.


Visit the Salon for a Haircut

The last and most crucial step to remember is to get a trim to keep split ends from occurring. Although not everyone may want to chop their hair, staying on top of your hair by trimming it every few months can promote healthy hair growth and eliminate split ends. For more information on how you can book your next appointment with us, contact Marchelle Salone at 781-641-1910